Sunday, August 01, 2010

Yoga on the Beach

My yoga teacher celebrated her birthday by having our yoga class on the beach. What a great experience. There's something about doing yoga in the sand with the sound of the ocean crashing down that is quite energizing. I did a headstand-Salamba Sirsasana and we all did half a handstand- Ardha Adho Mukha Vrksasana with a partner's help. I went beyond my comfort zone and it was exhilarating. I love going upside down!

We used the sand as our props. If we needed a bolster, we molded it out of sand. We did savasana in reclining bound angle post-Supta Baddha Konasana using the sand to lean against as we faced the ocean and felt the mist on our faces. Best savasana ever.

We also had a wonderful pot-luck brunch. Everyone brought something. It was all gluten free. Lot's of fruits and vegetables. I even had kelp chips and I loved them.

We meditated, chanted, sang and danced! I look forward to next year. Maybe we convince our teacher to this more than once a year...:)

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